AUG 8, 2024

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10 Tips to  to Help Your Child learn New Words

Read out loud to your child often. Read a lot of different kinds of books to them, from picture books to books with longer stories. Talk about the new words you read and what they mean as you read.

Read aloud

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Use a lot of words to describe what you are doing and the things around you. This lets your child see how new words are used in real life.

Narrate your day

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Read books that are harder for your kid. Being exposed to words with more meanings will help them learn more words over time.

Read Book in front of them

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Slowly teach new words and use them again. Do not teach your child too many new words at once.

Introduce new words slowly

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Encourage child to talk. Ask questions that can't be answered with a single word.

Encourage child to talk

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Help your child learn new words. If they say a simple word, repeat it in a way that gives more information.

Help your child learn new words

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Read baby rhymes, sing songs, and play word games. These fun exercises are a great way to improve your vocabulary.


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Connect new words to things your child has done. Make links between words and things they can see, touch, or do.

Connect new words

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Wait your turn and have fun. It takes time to build your knowledge, but the most important thing is to make it fun and a normal part of your life.

Be patient

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