10 Ways to Make Sure Your Kid Performs Well in School

By: Donna Smith

Encourage learning

Read books together, go on nature walks, go to museums, and spark each other's interests. Show that you're excited to learn new things.

Make home safe

Make sure your home is a safe and encouraging place for your child to ask questions, make mistakes, and ask for help.


For the best physical and mental health, make sure your child get enough sleep, eat healthy food, and exercise regularly.


Talk to your child about his or her day, hobbies, and problems at school. Support them no matter what and listen

Praise hard work

You should praise your child for more than just their grades or tests. You should also praise them for how hard they have worked.

talk to teachers

Go to your child's school events, talk to teachers, and keep an eye on their growth.

Teach them to organize

Show them how to study, plan their time, and pick the most important things to do. You should give them ideas and plans.

Honor their learning method

Each kid learns in their own way. Find out what your kid likes and use that.

Mental health is important

Put your child's emotional and mental health before grades. Balance school, relaxation, and fun.